Now that union recognition is on the table in the upcoming FCA ‘Colleague Voice’ exercise, Unite officers at the FCA have taken the decision to pause industrial action as of Monday 27th June and move to the next stage of our campaign. Unite is therefore calling on all union members to work normally from 27 June onwards, including on the planned strike days of 5th and 6th July which will now be put on pause. When your union started this campaign, staff at the FCA had no voice and no choice but to resort to industrial action to be heard at work. ExCo had ignored staff at every turn and decided to close the conversation. The CAC decision only made this harder. Through striking and working to rule in London and Edinburgh, we have secured a route to union recognition. Our industrial action has made this possible against the odds. Whilst Unite does have a mandate to continue industrial action until the end of October, it is important to recognise that industrial action was always a last resort. Following extensive consultation with colleagues and Unite HQ, pausing industrial action now seems the best way for us to move forward with the next stage of the campaign in a constructive and collaborative manner to achieve our aims. Unite will be modelling responsible trade unionism and showing ExCo and colleagues that the union is ready to serve as recognised staff representatives. Your Unite representatives will be working hard to ensure that the FCA ‘Colleague Voice’ process results in a fair vote on independent union recognition. Recognition will give all colleagues the best platform possible to campaign on pay and conditions.
Thank you!
Thank you to each and everyone who took strike action and worked to rule to give employees a voice. A year ago this situation would have seemed laughable, but together we have empowered ourselves and colleagues where morale and options had otherwise collapsed. We won’t take this for granted and the union will consult you and Unite HQ closely over the coming weeks and months as we progress the campaign.
Make sure you have a voice – From recent events at the FCA and elsewhere, it is clear how important trade union membership is. There is strength in numbers, so please reach out to colleagues to join Unite in order to make sure that the employee voice in the running of the FCA is as strong as possible. People can join Unite here. Spread the word! TOGETHER WE ARE STRONGER!
What has Industrial Action achieved?
Union recognition – This is now on the table in the FCA’s ‘Colleague Voice’ exercise. Given the CAC decision, this could not have been achieved without industrial action and now gives us the opportunity to pursue our campaign through dialogue. Securing recognition will put us in the strongest possible place to campaign on improvements to pay and conditions.
National attention and political accountability – Strike action has secured headlines and meetings with politicians from all mainstream political parties who are aware of the issues staff face in the FCA. A number of them have offered us public support and put pressure on the CEO. Without industrial action, our campaign would not have got the traction to win support from the Labour front bench (including Keir Starmer), members of the Treasury Select Committee, and other politicians.
Respect and a voice for staff – With serious concerns in the air on hybrid working, pensions, and jobs moving out of London, we’ve made it clear to ExCo that staff are willing and ready to take meaningful action to ensure our voice is heard and respected
Will Unite be taking industrial action again?
That’s up to ExCo.
As well as clear expectations on the outcome of the ‘Colleague Voice’ exercise, we know staff have strong views around the hugely important issue of hybrid working. Your union hopes that Exco takes the right decision to uphold the health, welfare and finances of FCA staff. If they don’t, further industrial action would be on the table (e.g. striking, working to rule, or refusing to comply with increased office working). Staff in Unite have shown that hundreds of staff are willing to take industrial action, with a significant impact on FCA operations and the reputation of our leadership. Whilst the union don’t contemplate this lightly, neither will ExCo now they’ve seen the collective strength in action.
Given that the SCC has effectively collapsed due to mass resignations, Unite holds concerns that there is no meaningful staff input into this important decision on Hybrid working. The union will be sharing the results of our survey on hybrid working with ExCo and with colleagues (with no members identified). As to the FCA’s official survey, staff do not know how (or even if) the results will influence ExCo’s decision, nor whether they will be published.
The ball is now in ExCo’s court. Unite is today acting in good faith and call on ExCo to show the same good faith to their hard-working staff and begin the process of rebuilding mutual trust.